With all the different weight loss programs, we know it’s hard to decipher between what is legitimate and what’s utter non-sense. There are diet plans and diet pills designed to help you burn fat and reduce calories. Apple cider vinegar is a new rage, which seems to be replacing the other big fad which was coconut water for weight loss. The Keto diet is in while the South beach diet is out. If you’re looking to slim down, what are the best options for you? At NovaGenix, at 609 N. Hepburn Ave. Jupiter, FL 33458, we have many options that takes into consideration your unique medical history and individual body type and needs. Not all programs are a one size fits all. If you ant to reduce BMI to help fight obesity a multi-point attack is a great option. Being able to offer a fitness program is important. We are one of the only Clinics in Palm Beach County that has access to some of the highest educated and respected fitness experts in the nation. Besides having a personal trainer onsite at our Jupiter Anti Aging Clinic to help guide you, we also work closely with nationally renown industry experts who are not just certified personal trainers, but are PhD’s, collegiate sports exercise and physiology professors, trainers of professional athletes, world famous lecturers and guest speakers who travel internationally teaching men and women overseas latest trends and techniques in sports physiology, doctoral candidates, published authors of online articles, and research journals and online fitness trainers as well, so that you can pick who best suites your fitness goals for losing weight. Nobody has the arsenal of fitness experts that we do.
Weight loss medication may be prescribed as well and has benefits for many reasons. As we get older, our bodies slow down and that’s including the metabolism which makes it harder to achieve the same results you used to see in the gym when you were in your 20’s. Thyroid conditions may make it harder to get the energy and motivation to start a work out routine. Some people may have chronic medical conditions that make exercising impossible or extremely difficult and painful. Prescription weight loss medication like HcG, when used correctly can help the body target abnormal fat, especially abdominal fats, and still keep muscle mass. Phentermine can also help reduce appetite and increase the metabolic rate. Both medications are prescription only and a thorough review of current and past medical history can determine if these are good options.
Hormone therapy can help other patients, as low or fluctuating testosterone, estrogen and progesterone may make it hard to exercise and cause the body to gain weight unexpectedly and for no apparent reason. We can help diagnose and treat men or women with Low Testosterone (andropause) or women gaining weight from menopause. Other fat burning vitamins and peptides may be an option that our patients chose as well. Our doctor has years of experience in HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) and understands the delicate balance within us. Call 561-277-8260 today to learn more and visit us at www.NovaGenix.org.
609 N Hepburn avenue suite 106. Jupiter, Florida 33458
609 N Hepburn avenue suite 106. Jupiter, Florida 33458
Learn what you want to know about hormone therapy by scheduling a free consultation.
Contact Us Today609 N Hepburn avenue suite 106. Jupiter, Florida 33458
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Saturday-Sunday: Closed